La Biblia – El Antiguo Testamento GÉNESIS Capítulo 40 Los sueños de los funcionarios del Faraón 1 Después de estos acontecimientos, el copero y el panadero del rey de Egipto ofendieron a su señor. 2 El Faraón se irritó contra sus dos funcionarios –el copero mayor y el panadero mayor– 3 y los hizo poner bajo… Seguir leyendo GÉNESIS – CAPÍTULO 40

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La Biblia – El Antiguo Testamento GÉNESIS Capítulo 30 Los hijos de Bilhá 1 Al ver que no podía dar hijos a Jacob, Raquel tuvo envidia de su hermana, y dijo a su marido: «Dame hijos, porque si no, me muero». 2 Pero Jacob, indignado, le respondió: «¿Acaso yo puedo hacer las veces de Dios, que… Seguir leyendo GÉNESIS – CAPÍTULO 30

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Genesis – Chapter 30

The Bible – Old Testament  Genesis Chapter 30 1 When Rachel saw that she failed to bear children to Jacob, she became envious of her sister. She said to Jacob, «Give me children or I shall die!» 2 In anger Jacob retorted, «Can I take the place of God, who has denied you the fruit… Seguir leyendo Genesis – Chapter 30

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Genesis – Chapter 31

The Bible – Old Testament  Genesis Chapter 31 1 Jacob learned that Laban’s sons were saying, «Jacob has taken everything that belonged to our father, and he has accumulated all this wealth of his by using our father’s property.» 2 Jacob perceived, too, that Laban’s attitude toward him was not what it had previously been.… Seguir leyendo Genesis – Chapter 31

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Genesis – Chapter 32

The Bible – Old Testament  Genesis Chapter 32 1 Early the next morning, Laban kissed his grandchildren and his daughters goodbye; then he set out on his journey back home, 2 while Jacob continued on his own way. Then God’s messengers encountered Jacob. 3 1 When he saw them he said, «This is God’s encampment.» So… Seguir leyendo Genesis – Chapter 32

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Genesis – Chapter 33

The Bible – Old Testament  Genesis Chapter 33 1 Jacob looked up and saw Esau coming, accompanied by four hundred men. So he divided his children among Leah, Rachel and the two maidservants, 2 putting the maids and their children first, Leah and her children next, and Rachel and Joseph last. 3 He himself went… Seguir leyendo Genesis – Chapter 33

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Genesis – Chapter 34

The Bible – Old Testament  Genesis Chapter 34 1 1 Dinah, the daughter whom Leah had borne to Jacob, went out to visit some of the women of the land. 2 2 When Shechem, son of Hamor the Hivite, who was chief of the region, saw her, he seized her and lay with her by force. 3… Seguir leyendo Genesis – Chapter 34

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La Biblia – El Antiguo Testamento GÉNESIS Capítulo 35 Nueva visita de Jacob a Betel 1 Dios dijo a Jacob: «Sube a Betel y permanece allí. Levanta allí un altar al Dios que se te apareció cuando huías de tu hermano Esaú». 2 Entonces Jacob dijo a sus familiares y a todos los demás que estaban… Seguir leyendo GÉNESIS – CAPÍTULO 35

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Genesis – Chapter 35

The Bible – Old Testament  Genesis Chapter 35 1 God said to Jacob: «Go up now to Bethel. Settle there and build an altar there to the God who appeared to you while you were fleeing from your brother Esau.» 2 1 So Jacob told his family and all the others who were with him: «Get… Seguir leyendo Genesis – Chapter 35

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