Baruch – Introduction

The Bible – Old Testament Baruch Introduction The opening verses of this book ascribe it, or at least its first part, to Baruch, the well-known secretary of the prophet Jeremiah. It contains five very different compositions, the first and the last in prose, the others in poetic form. The prose sections were certainly composed in… Seguir leyendo Baruch – Introduction

Baruch – Chapter 1

The Bible – Old Testament Baruch Chapter 1 1 Now these are the words of the scroll which Baruch, son of Neriah, son of Mahseiah, son of Zedekiah, son of Hasadiah, son of Hilkiah, wrote in Babylon, 2 1 in the fifth year (on the seventh day of the month, at the time when the Chaldeans… Seguir leyendo Baruch – Chapter 1

Baruch – Chapter 2

The Bible – Old Testament Baruch Chapter 2 1 «And the LORD fulfilled the warning he had uttered against us: against our judges, who governed Israel, against our kings and princes, and against the men of Israel and Judah. 2 He brought down upon us evils so great that there has not been done anywhere… Seguir leyendo Baruch – Chapter 2

Baruch – Chapter 3

The Bible – Old Testament Baruch Chapter 3 1 «LORD Almighty, God of Israel, afflicted souls and dismayed spirits call to you. 2 Hear, O LORD, for you are a God of mercy; and have mercy on us, who have sinned against you: 3 for you are enthroned forever, while we are perishing forever. 4… Seguir leyendo Baruch – Chapter 3

Baruch – Chapter 5

The Bible – Old Testament Baruch Chapter 5 1 Jerusalem, take off your robe of mourning and misery; put on the splendor of glory from God forever: 2 Wrapped in the cloak of justice from God, bear on your head the mitre that displays the glory of the eternal name. 3 For God will show… Seguir leyendo Baruch – Chapter 5

Baruch – Chapter 6

The Bible – Old Testament Baruch Chapter 6 1 A copy of the letter which Jeremiah sent to those who were being led captive to Babylon by the king of the Babylonians, to convey to them what God had commanded him: For the sins you committed before God, you are being led captive to Babylon… Seguir leyendo Baruch – Chapter 6